Dear Younger Self:
- Don't get caught up in the never-ending quest for acceptance. Sure, acceptance from your loved ones is great. But from "friends" that would stab you in the back for the last piece of pizza? Skip it. Not everyone has to like you. You will be working on this one for the rest of your life.
- Live each day as though it's your last. You won't regret the things you did. You will regret the things you didn't do, such as not asking so-and-so on a date, not joining a sport, or worse yet, not attending the funerals of your loved ones.
- You choose your reaction to the drama in your life. 'Nuff said.
- Cliches may be lame, but they're cliches for a reason. They're usually right, as frustrating as that is.
- You will look & feel less awkward as you "find yourself." You had some rough years, but just wait. It WILL get better.
- Speaking of looks, people will judge you on that. It's a fact of life and it sucks. BUT, don't spend so much time on your looks that your inner self gets ugly.
- Avoid the negativity trap.
- Never underestimate the value of quality time with your loved ones. You'll only have them for so long and you never know when it will end.
- Stop looking in the wrong places to fill that void. Food and shopping will never fill your heart.
#5 is advice I wish I could give all awkward teenage girls and have them truly understand what I'm saying!